Текст, зачитанный на заседании суда 17 ноября 2022 г.
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This is the transcript of the oral delivery of the judgment.
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The Court deliverd the verdict today.
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The District Court of The Hague has scheduled the judgment in the MH17 criminal case at Schiphol Judicial Complex (JCS) at Badhoevedorp (The Netherlands) for Thursday, 17 November 2022 at 13.30 p.m.
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The District Court of The Hague has scheduled the judgment of the court in the MH17 criminal case at Schiphol Judicial Complex (JCS) at Badhoevedorp (The Netherlands) for Thursday, 17 November 2022 at 13:30 p.m.
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In a brief session the court resumed the hearing.
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The District Court of The Hague has provisionally scheduled the judgment for 17 November 2022.
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On 22 September 2022 the court will reconvene at 10.00 hours. The hearing will only be a few minutes.
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Rejoinder from Defence Counsel and last word from the defendant.
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On Wednesday 8 June 2022 court will reconvene at 10.00 hour, the hearing will only be a few minutes. The court will reconvene at Thursday, June 9, 2022 for the rejoinder by the Defence.
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Reply from Counsel for the Relatives and the Prosecution in brief.
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On 16 May 2022 court will reconvene at 10.00 hours. Counsel for the Relatives and the Prosecution will speak.
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Summary of 11 days pleadings by the Defence and the way forward.
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Due to personal circumstances, the hearing on Monday 14 March 2022 will only be a few minutes.
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Opening remarks by the court relating to the course of events in Ukraine, with additional comments from the Defence, the Prosecution and Counsel for the Relatives. Oral arguments by the Defence.
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On 7 March 2022 court will reconvene at 10.00 hours for the oral arguments by the Defence.
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The temporary press centre constructed next to the Schiphol Judicial Complex (JCS) in Badhoevedorp, The Netherlands, will close on 1 April 2022.
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The Prosecution delivered their address and sentencing request in two and a half days. The complete text appears on the internet site of the Public Prosecution Service. Below is a brief summary.
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Today the court shared decisions on two pending requests from the Defence. Afterwards the Prosecution was given the opportunity to deliver their address and sentencing request.
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Start 10:00 a.m. Decision on the request by the Defence. The Prosecution will be allowed to address the court and request sentencing.
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Claims submitted by relatives of the victims, requests by the Defence and schedule for the Prosecution’s address and sentencing request.
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UPDATE: The claims from the injured parties, schedule claims of the Prosecution’s address and oral pleadings.
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Today eight more relatives of victims of the crash of Flight MH17 exercised their right to address the court.
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Decisions by the court about adding documents to the file and about requests from the Defence. Decision regarding the witness Muchkaev and its consequences for the schedule.
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The Defence submits requests arising from additional documents of the Prosecution. The court presents the results of the investigation by the investigating judge and the personal circumstances of the accused.
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At 10:00 hours the next hearing day will start.
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In the block of hearings concluded today relatives of the victims of the crash of flight MH17 exercised their right to address to the court. This summary reflects on them. The court also asked the Prosecution questions arising from media reports during this block of hearings.
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The District Court of The Hague ruled on whether the examining magistrate had acted correctly in granting the status of threatened witness to two witnesses.
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The block of hearings that started today will be dedicated to the relatives of victims of the crash of Flight MH17 exercising their right to address the court.
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At 10:00 hours the next hearing day will start. The relatives will have the opportunity to address the court.
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At a brief session today the court announced decisions on pending requests from the defence.
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The prosecution and the defence spoke about requests that the defence submitted.
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The court will take decisions regarding the pending requests from the defence.
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On 24 June 2021 at 10:00 hours the next hearing day will start.
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The prosecution discussed sections of the case file that the prosecution deems relevant for the decisions to be taken by the court.
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Next week the prosecution will speak and will treat aspects of the case file.
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The court discussed the case file: the third question: Did the accused play a role in the downing of MH17 on 17 July 2014?
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Today the court continued discussing the documents in the prosecution file relating to the second question to be answered by the court.
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Discussion: Whether Flight MH17 was shot down with a BUK missile. Whether a BUK missile was launched from a farm field near Pervomaiskyi.
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Hearing on the merits. The topics addressed included the state of play in the investigation by the investigating judge and a brief recap of the inspection.
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Start of the hearing on the merits.
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Inspection of the reconstruction of the MH17 airplane and the pieces of wreckage at Gilze-Rijen air base.
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On Wednesday 26 May 2021 the inspection at the air base in Gilze-Rijen (Noord-Brabant) can be followed via the livestream. Start 10:00 a.m. CEST.
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The agenda for the judicial site visit (inspection of the MH17 reconstruction) which is to take place on 26 May 2021 will be set then.
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Decisions regarding wreckage, questioning of experts, intercepted conversations, claims submitted by the relatives, confidentiality, and further planning.
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Inspection of the reconstruction, additional motions and requests for investigation, impact inspection and the hearing on the merits may have on the relatives.
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The hearings in the MH17 criminal proceedings are still in the pretrial review stage.
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Today the public prosecution service, defence counsel and counsel for the relatives all responded to each other about the requests submitted yesterday by defence counsel and counsel for the relatives.
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