Discussion of parts of the case file by the prosecution
The documents raised by the prosecution from the case file concern the question to be answered regarding the launch site and the question about the role of the accused. The prosecution did not discuss documents besides those mentioned last week regarding the question of whether Flight MH17 was shot down with a BUK missile. Visualisations were screened featuring a compilation of footage about the launch siteIn addition, the prosecution noted the connection they perceive between different types of evidence, for example between intercepted conversations and other evidence in the case file.
The defence
Last week the defence indicated that they would not be using the opportunity provided by the court to discuss sections of the case file they deem relevant at this time. The defence will discuss the substance of the evidence at the pleading.
Previous requests from the defence
At the hearing on 21 May 2021 the defence submitted additional requests to the court. The prosecution will submit a response to them in writing tomorrow. These requests and the written response will be discussed more extensively next week on Thursday 24 June 2021.
Request from the Counsel for the relatives
In a letter of 16 June 2021 Counsel for the relatives requested permission to provide interested relatives with the photos of pieces of wreckage from the MH17 aircraft, including those taken by the court during the inspection. Counsel for the relatives also submitted documents to be added to the claims for damages by the relatives. The court asked the prosecution to respond in writing to this as well tomorrow, together with the reaction to the requests from the defence that are still pending.
Additional schedule
On 24 June 2021 at 10:00 hours the next hearing day will start. The filing by the prosecution in response to the pending requests from the defence and Counsel for the relatives will be addressed there, and parties will be able to respond to each other as well.
On 8 July 2021 this block of hearings in the MH17 criminal proceedings will conclude. On that day the court will take decisions regarding the requests by the defence and Counsel for the relatives. The court will also respond to the written round of filings conducted in the meantime, in which the defence, the prosecution and Counsel for the relatives will have made written submissions about the claims for damages by the relatives.
Watch the livestream footage here:
Livestream 17 June 2021